Warm up and stretch down
Warm up with some jumping jacks or gentle jogging in addition to active (dynamic) and passive stretching.
It’s important to stretch down after a workout, too. Blow stretching
off, and you’re bound to pull a muscle you didn’t even know existed when
you were 18. There’s nothing stylish about an ACE bandage or leg brace.
Learn the art of power naps. It’s a real, actual thing. More importantly, try to get seven to nine hours of sleep per night.
“Nine” might have elicited laughter from some of you, but most adults
do need that much to restore their bodies. A very easy fix is to reduce
your exposure to blue-spectrum light waves with a free program called
Watch Your Back
Back pain is very common among men, and there’s a multitude of causes,
including sitting behind a wheel or at a desk chair for long periods at a
time, poor posture and lifting heavy objects. And, yes, a large belly
does count as a heavy object.Obviously it depends on the cause, but all of us can work on improving posture.
When lifting, use the weight room rule -- lift with your legs, not
back. And if you’ve got a job that confines you to a desk for hours, get
up and walk around more often to keep the blood flowing or get familiar
with some exercises you can actually perform in a desk chair
to ward off stiffness. And, oh, invest in things that go between you
and the ground, like shoes and mattresses.
Pressure is rising
High blood pressure or hypertension is called a “silent killer” because
sufferers are often not even aware that they're suffering because it
doesn’t manifest with warning signs or symptoms. Yet HBP screws up the
cardiovascular system of millions of men over 20 and older.Good news is there’s a multitude of ways
to reduce your blood pressure, including deep breathing, exercise, diet
and drugs. No, not crack or crystal meth, but Rx drugs.
Have some heart
Like high blood pressure, heart disease can be
prevented with a healthy diet that’s low in red meat and high on
vegetables. There’s numerous other ways to lower your risk, such as
eliminating tobacco use and, of course, regular exercise.
Vision Impaired
take breaks from staring at your screen. Smoking can damage your eyes,
too. But you won’t really know your condition until you take an eye test
with a professional. Lenseless glasses work for tiresome hipsters, but
if you’re getting squinty like me, it may be time to step up for the
real thing (or contact lenses). Stressed Out
Life is stressful for men trying to advance a career, balance time and
raise a family. You already knew that, but perhaps you don’t really
appreciate the way that stress and mental illnesses like depression can
take a toll on your overall well-being. You don’t have to accept extreme
stress as the status quo. Begin by recognizing what triggers your stress at work and at home. Simple counting and meditation techniques can calm you down. Like everything else, you can combat stress with exercise, getting enough sleep and also by connecting with friends.
The state of your prostate
A doctor can perform a blood test to determine if
there’s a problem or you’ll have to bend over for a digital rectal exam.
Unfortunately, you can’t take that test online.
The hair up there
Sure, this one is cosmetic, but many late-20s and 30-something men
struggle emotionally with hair loss. Thank your maternal grandfather.
You can go the route of Propecia and Rogaine, or pour your wallet out
for hair plugs, or… Embrace your baldness. Simple. Easy. Free.
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