11 November, 2013

BMWi And The New Approach To Car Design This Is The Future Of Car Design

BMWi's New Car Design Strategy

BMW is on its way to setting new standards in automotive design.
The "it's practically here!" promises of countless "car-of-the-futures" have lost their excitement. Sleek design? Check. Zero emissions? Check. Materials used from sustainable material? Check. Electric? Check and yawn. Until I float in transit in hovercraft-like vehicles, it's going to take some other kinds of bells and whistles to get me excited about the future of cars.
Halfway into our design-themed month in April, BMW Design Group invited me to experience sub-brand BMWi's interactive installation during the renowned Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan.
By creating the BMWi sub-brand to try out practices like designing an electric car from scratch (think of a car frame made with carbon fiber, which is more durable than steel and weighs much less), connecting cars to mobile app services (think of your car reserving a parking space for your next destination) and implementing an energy-renewal system (think of private home battery recharging docks, because gas is so passé), BMW is on its way to setting new standards in premium automotive design.

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