Product Name: BioLite KettlePot
Price: $49.95
Who would like this?: Eco-friendly camping enthusiasts who love their gadgets
When you're camping, efficiency is key. Nothing takes you out of the serenity of nature quite like lugging a bulging backpack filled with clanking pots and pans on an uphill hike. Luckily, the lightweight and eco-friendly BioLite KettlePot addresses this problem, while also offering a novel way to charge your gadgets au naturel.
Best of all, a USB port on the side of the stove draws power from the heat of the fire, enabling you to charge your laptop or smartphone, even in the middle of nowhere.
As a company, BioLite's goal has been to develop and manufacture energy products that “make cooking as clean, safe and easy as modern fuels while also providing electricity to charge cellphones and LED lights-off grid." Their sustainable design aesthetic has also led to the development of the HomeStove, a device geared at helping families in developing nations cook more safely and efficiently. According to the developers, the HomeStove is designed to eliminate "waste heat" generated by smoky open fires, which contribute to climate change and cause more more than 2 million premature deaths each year. Its efficient design uses 50% less fuel than an open stove and generates electricity that can be used to charge phones and LED lights, while also reducing smoke emissions by up to 95% and producing 91% less carbon monoxide.
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