12 December, 2013

Top 4 Do-It-Yourself Fashion Trends

It’s that time of the year when everyone is going shopping. The shops are coming with various types of offers in the name of Sales, Discounts and Black Friday. Online shops are not helping matters with their continuous ads on social media, radio and billboards. To top it all off, your friends have turned into fashion marketers with continuous changing of display pictures on bbm showing various cute shoes and dresses for sale.
The good news is that you can now rejuvenate your existing wardrobe by spicing it up with these   D-I-Y fashion tips below and save some valuable money this Christmas season.
 Louboutin has made Spikes and studs shoes really trendy, you can now create your own unique and custom designs and look swank.
  1. Choose a comfortable design/ pattern
  2. For the studs, use very little adhesive and hold the studs firmly in place.
  3. For the Spikes , press the prongs of the spikes into the fabric or leather and use pliers to press the prongs firmly in place. Screwed studs are also an option.

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