11 January, 2014

How To Get Fit: Eat Fat

Eat Fat To Lose Fat  

We can confirm that, yes, you read that correctly. You should eat fat to lose fat.

AM Fitness Lab: Eat Fat To Lose Fat

Of course, we don't mean bad fats — like KFC mega-buckets, chinese takeaways and sickly sweet puds. That would be silly. Instead, in today's tip, we're discussing the benefits of a fatty acid called Omega-3 — which is found within fish oils.
Jon Denoris, celeb personal trainer and the face of the believes it can work wonders in the fight against the lard. Omega-3 basically turns off the genes responsible for storing fat and turns on those responsible for burning it. Wonderful!
Making small changes to your diet can have a big impact on the effectiveness of your training and how your body responds to exercise.

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